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I Am #1In6 #InfertilitySucks

I Am #1In6 #InfertilitySucks – Originelle

For some time now, we have seen online and on social networks the “hashtag” and the words “I am #1In6” and #InfertilitySucks. What does it mean? This means that if you or your partner are having problems related to infertility, you are part of the #1In6. According to the Government of Canada, nearly 16% of Canadian couples, or one in six, are affected by infertility. Where does this known expression of solidarity come from?

On the internet and on social networks, infertile couples help each other by sharing their stories related to infertility in order to show their support for other couples in a similar situation. As well, others publish articles in order to make people aware that this one in six couple could very well be anyone in your circle; a friend, a sister, a cousin, a co-worker, your family doctor, your neighbour, your brother’s girlfriend… anyone!


Too often we seem to forget that infertility is not only a woman’s concern, but it is a concern of the man involved as well. In 1/3 of cases, infertility is due to a problem from the man’s side. In 1/3 of cases, it is due to infertility of the woman and in 1/3 of cases, infertility is due to a combined fertility problems of them both. It is therefore important to realize that the man can also experience difficulties in these situations, regardless of whether he is the infertile partner or not.

Our goal here is to break the silence. Nowadays, there is more talk about infertility and assisted procreation than ever before. Even today some women (or men) and some couples are still resistant to talk about infertility. Infertility should no longer be a subject that make one feel uncomfortable to discuss. We must make it so that this is no longer a difficult subject; after all, infertility affects one couple in every six.

Furthermore, when you do decide to talk about infertility, it is very likely that whoever you confide in will be there to listen and help, to the best of their abilities.

In order to break the silence, it is important to be aware that several services are offered to help infertile couples. These services are set up to listen, support and encourage men and women experiencing infertility. Whether you are facing difficult times, embarrassed to talk to your loved ones or you do not know who to turn to, these people are here for you. These organizations and professionals will comfort you and share in both your sorrows and your joys. It is by helping one another that we succeed in overcoming even the most difficult challenges.

By clicking on this link: Counselling & Support Groups, you will have access to an article about the various associations, as well as the services offered by our clinic in order to help you or someone close to you overcome the difficulties associated to infertility. “Hope is to want something. Faith is to believe in something. Courage is to do something”. You will find the courage to talk about it, you are not alone.

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