Dr. Francesco Carli (Anesthesiologist)


Dr. Francesco Carli is an anesthesiologist for OriginElle Fertility Clinic & Women’s Health Centre. He is also a Professor of Anaesthesia and Associate Professor in the School of Nutrition at McGill University and senior staff anaesthesiologist at the McGill University Health Centre. Previously he was the Wesley Bourne Professor and Chairman of the McGill Department of Anaesthesia (1994-2004).


Dr. Carli’s research interests are in the area of interventions to attenuate surgical stress and maintaining protein balance, and prehabilitation.


Dr. Carli is the author of over 190 peer-reviewed scientific articles and 11 chapters. He has been the recipient of 37 peer and non-peer review grants and has received many honours from the national and international anaesthesia and surgical societies.

In 2012 he received the Gold Medal by the Canadian Anaesthesiologists Society for his contributions to advancing academic anaesthesia. He lectures worldwide on various aspects of his research.


Dr. Carli is the Chair of the Canadian Anaesthesiologists’ Society International Education Foundation (CASIEF), a charitable organization involved in educational missions in low resource countries such as Nepal, Rwanda and Palestine.


He is the president of Perioperative Program (POP), a charitable organization which promotes research in preoperative optimization (prehabilitation), and he is a Board Member of the Louise and Allan Edwards Foundation (a non-profit foundation to support basic science and clinical aspects of pain medicine).


Dr. Carli is an executive board member of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) society, an international organization established to train clinicians to implement programs aiming at accelerating the recovery process following surgery.