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By Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD; News Medical

According to researcher Michael Chapman this study shows that women who are undergoing IVF do have a “reasonable” chance of getting pregnant.

Research has shown that women who undergo multiple cycles of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) are more likely to have a baby. The study published in the Medical Journal of Australia reports the cumulative live birth rates after complete ovarian stimulation cycles. The study looked at chances of having a baby successfully after several rounds of IVF or other types of assisted reproduction techniques.


For this study the researchers looked at 56,652 women who had already undergone eight cycles of treatment in Australia and New Zealand during 2009-2012. They were tracked until 2014 or until they gave birth to a live baby. Results showed that for women over the age of 40, the success rates for having a live baby rose from 10% at the first cycle of IVF to around 40% at the end of the seventh cycle.

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By Top Santé

We estimate that women aged 30 to 35 years who attempt in vitro fertilization with an older male have an average of 11% fewer chances to conceive than women with a partner aged 30 to 35 years.

Lorsque l’homme dépasse l’âge de 40 ans, les chances de concevoir par FIV sont moins importantes : telle est la conclusion d’une nouvelle étude menée aux États-Unis.

La fécondation in vitro (FIV) est une technique de procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) : concrètement, l’ovule de la femme et un (dans le cadre d’une FIV ICSI) ou plusieurs (dans le cadre d’une FIV classique) spermatozoïdes de l’homme sont mis en contact dans un récipient. Si la fécondation survient, l’embryon est alors ré-implanté dans l’utérus de la femme quatre à cinq jours plus tard.

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By TIME Health

“Now, women considering this procedure to preserve fertility and postpone childbearing have more information at their disposal,” the authors write in a statement. “Given these recent data, ovarian tissue cryopreservation should be considered as a viable option for fertility preservation.”

By 2018, some 76,000 women in the U.S. will freeze their eggs every year to preserve their fertility and increase their odds of getting pregnant later in life. Yet egg freezing is by no means a solid insurance policy. Some estimates suggest that just under 24% of procedures will result in a live birth. The fertility field is looking for other options.

In a new study published in the journal Reproductive Sciences, two fertility experts argue that ovarian tissue freezing—a procedure that removes and freezes ovarian tissue for later use—could offer an alternative, especially for women who can’t undergo egg freezing for medical reasons.

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