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By Fortune

a new study of 150 women who had undertaken elective egg freezing at eight clinics in the United States and Israel found that more than 90% said they were not intentionally postponing their fertility because of education or careers.

When companies like Facebook and Apple said in 2014 that they would start covering the cost of egg freezing for women, the backlash was swift.

As Fortune‘s Leigh Gallagher reported at the time, critics derided the new benefit as “a self-serving move to encourage women to take their eye off the biological clock so that they could double down and work harder throughout their 30s. It was paternalistic, sexist, and a trick to keep women childless and living at the office, all wrapped in the cloak of concern over women’s fertility issues.”

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By Emma Brancatisano, HuffPost Australia 

What I find women saying to me is, ‘I want choice’. They want options. They don’t want to regret not doing something. But often they have an unrealistic expectations of what eggs can do.

In 2017, more Australian women are having children later in life. In two generations, the average age of a childbearing mother has risen from 25 to 31.


And for some, thanks to the evolution of such technologies as rapid egg freezing, this comes at a point in their life that they may prefer. A potential pregnancy put on hold.


While the reasons for this are many — illness, career prospects or being without a partner, to name a few — fertility experts warn that these changes stand in the face of a hard, rigid biological truth.

Put Baby On Ice: Egg Freezing

By Catherine Handfield, La Presse

Egg freezing is booming. Vitrification, a rapid freezing technique, has drastically increased the survival chances of thawed eggs. Used mainly for medical reasons, this method is also popular with women who feel caught by the ticking of the biological clock, and is offered by Dr. Seang Lin Tan and other fertility specialists in Montreal.

La congélation d’ovules est en plein essor. La vitrification, technique de congélation rapide, a changé la donne, en augmentant radicalement les chances de survie des ovules décongelés. Surtout utilisée pour des raisons médicales, cette méthode est aussi prisée par des femmes qui se sentent rattrapées par le tic-tac de l’horloge biologique. Portrait d’une tendance qui ne fait pas que des adeptes.


Être mère… mais pas tout de suite


Depuis 2005, une soixantaine de femmes ont fait congeler leurs ovules pour des raisons personnelles au Centre de reproduction McGill. Une douzaine l’ont fait au Centre de reproduction de Montréal, clinique privée du Dr Seang Lin Tan.

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