

Patient Testimonial

nous avons toujours eu un excellent service avec la clinique de fertilité Originelle. Le personnel était prévenant et courtois et nous nous sentions très bien lorsque nous devions nous y rendre pour des traitements de fertilité. On ne se sentait pas comme un numéro mais étions traités comme des êtres humains à part entière avec nos problèmes…. Le Dr Tan nous a proposé des traitements et des solutions adaptés à notre situation et a tout fait que ce qui était possible pour nous permettre de réaliser notre rêve de fonder une famille.

I am 12 weeks pregnant and I am so incredibly happy. Dr Tan and his team have finally made my dream come true. The Montreal Reproductive Centre is truly the best clinic in Montreal. I have had 3 failed cycles at 3 different clinics before and I just wish I had come to see Dr Tan earlier.

I went through so many treatments and was desperate until I met Dr Tan. he was recommended to me by a nurse in a hospital who felt sorry for me. She said "Dr Tan has the best rate and results compare to other doctors when it comes to fertility" and she was right. I was 40 when I went to see him and I got pregnant for first time with IVF. he was amazing and very present for me.

OriginElle’s first patient Thanhtruc Tran had twins from her first IVF cycle, then went back six months later for another baby. Thanhtruc Tran wasn’t new to assisted reproductive technology when she went to the OriginElle Fertility Clinic & Women’s Health Centre not long after the clinic first opened its doors in January 2011. She and her husband Vanquang Tran had been trying to have a child for three years and had been patients at another clinic.